Why Do Most Psychiatrists and Therapists Recommend AA?
Question by Russ: Why do most psychiatrists and therapists recommend AA?
Best answer:
Answer by bob v
because they want you to be messed up some more. just regroup yourself and becareful.
if you are doing drugs and drink’n alot stop.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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Peer specialists share their stories to assist clients in recovery
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Peer specialists require training and certification, but they aren't doctors or counselors. They offer something different for those recovering from mental illness or addiction. "We share our story," says Paul. "That's one thing unique about peer …
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"High-functioning addicts": intervening before the facade crumbles
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But it's possible to treat the "functioning addict" before the facade crumbles, and addiction specialists say workplace health programs should take a more proactive approach, says Butt. "Most people enter treatment in a manner that is perhaps coerced.
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Drug spike in county comparable to increased use nationwide
Filed under: addiction specialists
While no hard data regarding the proclivity of certain drugs used in Fayette County is available, Heneks and local law enforcement and addiction specialists said prescription drug abuse is way up from recent years as well as heroin use. “We have an …
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