Why Did Eminem Name His Album “Recovery”?
Question by Mikey: Why did Eminem name his album “Recovery”?
Best answer:
Answer by Josh
Relapse and Recovery are a process of drug rehabilitation.
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Mingnon Dixon – Love & Hip Hop, Momma D, Drug Recovery & More! –
Film about long-term recovering alcoholics, drug addicts Saturday
Filed under: drug recovery
A local showing of the film “The Anonymous People,” a documentary about the 23 million Americans living in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drug addition, will take place at 6 p.m. Saturday at the Sahara Club II, 2345 Youngstown Road SE.
Read more on Youngstown Vindicator
Darryl Strawberry defends A-Rod on eve of opening Central Florida rehab clinic
Filed under: drug recovery
If anybody can describe the feeling of being a baseball star in New York who's been driven from the game because of a drug addiction, it's Strawberry – the former slugger of the Yankees and Mets.
Read more on Orlando Sentinel