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Who Is the Blago Mystery Woman?

Question by gws35: Who is the Blago mystery woman?
Holdout juror at Blagojevich trial explains vote
“The juror who was the lone holdout on some counts at former Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s political corruption trial has said she had a responsibility to follow her conscience and that she stands by her vote.

“In her first media interview since the trial ended, JoAnn Chiakulas told the Chicago Tribune that she found Blagojevich’s recorded statements about allegedly selling Barack Obama’s old senate seat so disorganized and scattered that his actions did not amount to a criminal conspiracy.

“Chiakulas is retired and a grandmother. She is a former employee of the state Department of Public Health, where she ran a minority affairs program, and the Chicago Urban League, where she oversaw a youth counseling program.”

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Best answer:

Answer by Bonnie C
She’s out of her mind…..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Grants bolster Sacramento State's mental health outreach

Filed under: health counseling programs

Flush with grants for outreach and prevention, Sacramento State is launching a new program to help mental health counselors reach more students and expand the services that are available on campus. "The sheer numbers that are going to be affected by …
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