Who Is Stevie Nicks’s “Sara” ?
Question by : Who is Stevie Nicks’s “Sara” ?
After looking at the leaflet in her new CD ‘In Your Dreams,’ I see a photo of woman and handwritten dedication to Sara. I never knew if the Sara of her vintage song was a real person – does anyone know who this person is/was to her? I am really curious now!
Very interesting! Thank you 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Gill Harris
Sara is Stevie’s friend. Stevie and Fleetwood were secretly dating and he broke up with Stevie for Sara. She considers Sara to be her alter ego. When Stevie decided to kick her cocaine addiction she signed into the clinic “Sara.” Don Henley claims that this song is about an abortion Nicks had after he got her pregnant. They dated for about 2 years, and Henley thinks it is a tribute to the unborn child.
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