When You Hear the Words “Beautiful Addiction” What’s the First Name That Comes to Mind?
Question by Freaky.: When you hear the words “beautiful addiction” what’s the first name that comes to mind?
Best answer:
Answer by Girl.
a rose..
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Heroin scourge BEGS FOR answers
Filed under: heroin addiction
storyidforme: 62450445 tmspicid: 22513107 fileheaderid: 10820087. Updated: February 24, 2014 2:13AM. The hidden scourge of heroin addiction has been sneaking up on Illinois, and we need far better counter-measures before more people die needlessly.
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A Poet Mines Memories of Drug Addiction
Filed under: heroin addiction
Gil Fagiani pulled out a copy of “White Lightning,” a tabloid from 1972, whose yellowed, brittle pages declared revolution. Inside, he pointed to a polemic he wrote headlined “Racism and Dope.” It described how he — a heroin addict with white, middle …
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