When and Where Does Cognitive Perspective Started?
Question by eunice a: when and where does cognitive perspective started?
when and where does cognitive perspective started?
Best answer:
Answer by Dr. Bob
If you are asking about the origins of cognitive therapy, there are several possible answers, all depending on the person you “talk” to.
For example, Dr. Albert Ellis came up with what he called “Rational Emotive Therapy” in the mid 1950s. He believed his approach was unique, although he did acknowledge the precedent of Dr. Alfred Adler. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Ellis
Later, Dr. Aaron Beck developed what he called “cognitive therapy” in the 1960s. Again, he believed his approach to be unique, although he, too, acknowledged the precedent of Dr. Alfred Adler. He also owed some of his ideas and therapeutic procedures to Albert Ellis, whom he was less willing to give much credit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_therapy
However, it was Dr. Adler whose work in the early 20th century laid the groundwork for nearly every non-Freudian psychological approach we have today, including cognitive therapy, existential therapy, humanistic psychology, and such modalities as marital therapy, group therapy, family therapy, parent-child counseling, etc. http://www.lifecourseinstitute.com
The “cognitive perspective” itself involves the study and treatment of the various ways thoughts and the mind influence one’s attitudes, behaviors (thoughts, feelings, actions), the meaning one gives to events, self, the world, and other people, etc. Beck spoke of “automatic thinking” as a way to describe the hold that thoughts can have on one’s life. Adler spoke of the :apperceptive schema” or “perceptual framework” by which the individual viewas everything that affects him/her. Today we speak of “personality” and “thought” disorders to mean that array of psychological problems that involve mistaken thoughts and how to change their effect on the individual.
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