What’s the Deal With VA Vocational Rehab?
Question by Frederich S: What’s the deal with VA vocational rehab?
I’m researching schools to go to one says that voc rehab will cover my tuition based on my disability and another school says that the VA only gives out voc rehab for certifications and they are really picky. I want to go for a 4 year degree, I wonder is the VA will help with the voc rehab program?
Best answer:
Answer by bridget w
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Voc Rehab Transition Services for Students with Disabilities – Are you the parent or guardian of a student with disabilities who is getting ready to graduate from high school? Have you recently graduated and are wondering what to do next, need a job, or are having difficulty finding or keeping a job? Voc Rehab’s Youth Transition Counselors are there to help you! They can help you think about possible careers and further training after high school or help you find a job. Voc Rehab serves more than 8000 Vermonters with significant disabilities each year, and achieves successful employment with two-thirds of their job seekers.