What Would Happen if America Let Vicodin Be Sold Over the Counter? I Noticed It Was Sold in Mexico?
Question by ghost: What would happen if America let vicodin be sold over the counter? I noticed it was sold in Mexico?
in a small shop. I only (allegedly) bought ultram for my back. I’ve also heard valium is over the counter in Mexico, but I didn’t see it in the shops. I did see viagra, but I didn’t need any.
Best answer:
Answer by Morgan R
Oddly, Tramadol ( which is a synthetic ) has addiction risk also. ( Frankly , tramadol has never done anything for me)
If Hydrocodone was sold OTC we would have tons of people functioning that cannot now. Once we get over the hysteria of the opiods ( that hep mankind) and quit fearing “abuse” , we will be much better off.
Millions of people have turned to street drugs, when their doctors have refused to provide pain relief that actually works.
Of course there is no money in the opioids, as they have no patents. There is much more money in “pain clinics” , dangerous spinal blocks, $ 300.00 an hr “Physiatrists” ( sp?) etc.
The researchers waste valuable brain power an dresearch on designing new drugs that blcok the same receptors as the opioids, of course those are able to be patented, and cost a bucng more and have unknown effects on our brain chemistry, instead of the tried and true “narural” oioids
I encourage people to read the research and article son this website
a real eye and mind “opener” http://www.opioids.com/
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