What Would a One World Government Look Like in Practice?
Question by I am: What would a one world government look like in practice?
Best answer:
Answer by grandma zaza
Like Cuba.
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12/25 Crack cocaine and me – From www.knowdrugs.net “Not Keith” is a London taxi driver. His alcoholic father died when he was 12, but that didn’t stop him becoming a heavy drinker. The day he discovered cocaine he thought all his prayers had been answered. In this honestly told narrative, Not Keith shares his views and experiences with a range of drugs.
In Mexico, A New Plan to End Drug Violence
Filed under: cocaine addiction recovery
So, suppose cocaine or heroin were legalized and marketed as cigarettes and alcohol are. And suppose the level of …. Obama opposes legalization, opting instead to fight the demand in the U.S. through education and treatment for addicts. "We've …
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The Colombian Village I've Come to Know
Filed under: cocaine addiction recovery
It is a thoroughfare for cocaine transportation — processed deep in the jungle, transported up the coast, en-route to Panama — a ruthless commodity akin to conflict minerals or diamonds. Fuelling both addiction and war, affecting the lives of every …
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