What Was the Name of the Classical Song That Was on That 80’s Commercial for an Alcohol Treatment Center?
Question by freshmode87: What was the name of the classical song that was on that 80’s commercial for an alcohol treatment center?
Does anyone remember that commercial from the 80’s for a drug and alcohol treatment center? They used to run the commercial constantly (at least in Southern Cal), I think the place was called Schick or New Beginnings. What was the name of the song that played in the background during the commercial? It is a very famous classical piece that sounds a lot like Canon D (the wedding song) but it’s not. They used it in the A&E show “Intervention” the other day so it appears to be synonymous with addiction and treatment. If you know it you’re a genius!
Best answer:
Answer by Tink
I haven’t heard it myself but it is probably J.S. Bach’s “Air on a G-String” (I’m serious). Many people get those 2 pieces of music confused. It also might be J. S. Bach’s “Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring.”
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