What Kind of Salary Can an LCSW in Texas Expect?
Question by Andy: What Kind Of Salary Can an LCSW in Texas Expect?
I’m currently a 23 year old male graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin. I’m doing the Masters of Social Work program in order to allow me to earn an LCSW after I graduate. My ultimate career goal is to have a private practice, working primarily with people with mood disorders, drug issues, and perhaps couples therapy.
What kind of salary can I expect out of the gate? Ten years from now? Anyone have any general advice they’d like to share? It’s all appreciated, thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by DS
Private practice is risky. You’re obviously not going to open out up right off the bat so find a good job at a hospital and put in your time. Look in to specializing in PTSD since thats going to be a big thing going forward with all the vets coming back from over a decade of continuous war. There is also a lot of government funding going to PTSD research (which is more on the psychologist side of things) but some of that will trickle down to therapy and insurance reimbursments.
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