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What Kind of Job Am I Wanting to Get (Horse Therapy)?

Question by Bobby: What kind of job am i wanting to get (Horse therapy)?
I am graduated, and wanting to start my career… I have recently helped several people get over their fears of horses, move on from the past-and keep a steady head towards the future on both their own lives and with their horses. Their horses have either hurt them or just down right disrespectful, and i have gotten them to be well mannerd and respect their owners-creating both the rider and horse a better connection and relationship. Ive head this is a type of “Horse Therapy”, helping problemed horses become better (like a transformation), and also helping people with their lives, getting them more confident, and just feeling better both mentaly and physically towards horses. I LOVE working with troubled horses, and bringing out the best in them, i also love working with people who have a fear of horses…either from a past porbleme or just in general. What kind of job should i look into? I want both-if there is nothing out there, i will become a certified trainer-for both horses and riders and create my own style of training…Also, all my training is based around Christian teachings. As In i bring them closer to God aswell (please no comments about God or my beliefs/style of teachings…) now what type of classes or job should i be looking into?

Best answer:

Answer by Nichole
You sounds so much like me! I have recently been looking into occupational therapy. It benefits both horse and rider and is very rewarding. Therapeutic riding seems to be on the rise and more of an option to people with disabilities. Best to luck to you!

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Christian therapy (??????) – my mom get uncomfortable on middle of shoulders, a christian doctor gave an advise to her. how to reduce body stress.