What Is the Education Process Required to Become a Marriage and Family Therapist?
Question by cindy: what is the education process required to become a marriage and family therapist?
what is the education process required to become a marriage and family therapist?
im doing a school essay.im in 8th grade and need a simple list of the education process to becoming a marriage and family therapist/teen therapist. what is the best program in the country for this? how many years of college do i need for this career? is there any colleges that offer a really good program for becoming a therapist? any other information you could add would be helpful. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by DaniBaje
Bachelors Degree in Psychology (4 years)
Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy (2-3 years)
What do you think? Answer below!
PM 768 Marriage and Family Counseling Lecture 01 – Dr. John Street of The Master’s Seminary teaches a course on Marriage and Family Counseling. www.tms.edu