What Is the Difference Between Clinical Psychology and Counseling? You Can Get a PhD in Both?
Question by courtney: What is the difference between clinical psychology and counseling? You can get a PhD in both?
I am interested in getting my Masters Degree. I see that some online and campus universities have both of these degrees. And then you can further your education and get a PhD. Some websites even say clinical psychology/counseling, like it is the same thing.
What is the difference?
Best answer:
Answer by wisener
Psychology is the science of the study of the mind and how it influences thinking and behaviors. Counseling and clinical psychology are the most popular areas of study in the field of psychology.
Clinical psychologists work with more seriously ill mental health patients. Psychologist Raymond LLoyd Richmond, Ph.D., describes the history of the word clinical: “The word, clinic derives from the Latin clinicus, or a physician who attends patients sick in bed. Clinical psychology is concerned with the work of treating ‘sick’ patients.”
Counseling psychologists work on problems relating to family, school or work.According to Dr. Richmond, counseling psychology is “a branch of psychology specifically concerned with the practice of counseling.” He also states, “counseling focuses on helping persons resolve problems or role issues related to work, school or family matters.”
Differences exist between clinical and counseling psychologist patient populations. John Norcross, Ph.D., psychology professor, shares the major difference between counseling and clinical psychology by explaining that clinical psychologists tend to work with more seriously disturbed populations, while counseling psychology graduates work with healthier, less pathological populations, and conduct more career and vocational assessments.
The APA sees no differences between internships for counseling and clinical psychology. Dr. Norcross also notes that the fields of clinical and counseling psychology have merged together in the last few years: “The American Psychological Association (APA) ceased distinguishing many years ago between clinical and counseling psychology internships.”
•University of Minnesota’s Educational Psychology Department has a doctoral program that prepares students for careers in counseling psychology, academics or counseling and psychological research. It also offers a school psychology track that trains students in child development and educational psychology in order to work in a range of school settings, including K-12 and university counseling offices. The five-year program is designed for candidates with a master’s degree and consists of classes, practicum and full-time internships. In addition, students complete pre-dissertation research, write a dissertation and pass an oral defense, as well as take comprehensive exams in counseling. Students may earn a master’s degree concurrently.
University of Minnesota
Educational Psychology Department
250 Education Sciences Building
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0208
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