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What Is the Difference Between a Therapist and a Psychologist?

Question by FizzySkittles: What is the difference between a therapist and a psychologist?
I understand the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist, but not a psychologist and a therapist. What are their job differences? What do they do that’s different or the same?

Best answer:

Answer by xcutiex100%
a therpist work on your physical state i.e. making sure they cure your aches and pains in your body. a psychologist looks into your mind and tries to resolve any problems in your mind and thought.

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Shaping the Future of Healthcare – Genetic Counseling – Family Medical History – The University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Professions Dean Harold P. Jones interviews experts in our school who are tailoring innovative solutions to real world problems. Our monthly program is called, “Shaping the Future of Healthcare.” This month, Dean Jones interviewed Lynn Holt, director of the Genetic Counseling program in the UAB Department of Clinical & Diagnostic Sciences, about genetic counseling and how the holidays are a great time to get your family medical history.