What Is the Best Way to Overcome “Math Anxiety?”?
Question by Queen of Halloween: What is the best way to overcome “Math Anxiety?”?
all my life i’ve hated math. i’ve always been bad at math, and whenever i face a math problem i can’t think straight. i’m not good with taking math tests either…as a college student, how can i overcome this math “anxiety”. also, i want to be a veterinarian, they need SO much math. how can i overcome this anxiety to fullfill my dream of being a Vet? please answer nicely, because this is serious. your answers will be appreciated !
Best answer:
Answer by Cat G
Don’t say you’re bad at math. Because you’re NOT. I’m sure you are fantastic at math!! And believe it!
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Dealing with Panic Attacks & Anxiety | Zoella – My Blog Posts on Panic Attacks and thinking positive: http://www.zoella.co.uk/2011/12/panic-attacks.html http://www.zoella.co.uk/2012/09/just-say-yes.html Wh…