What Is Going on With My Husband and Our Marriage?
Question by blue eyes: What is going on with my husband and our marriage?
My husband had an affair and claimed it was over. I broke into his email and found out that he was still having the affair for 4 months. I found pictures of them together, read emails about her love for him and found emails from him saying he didn’t find me attractive, and wanted to be with her. The emails hurt and I can not forgive him for what he said to her. He says that he didn’t mean what he said and he wants to work on our marriage.
Then he acts suspicious sometimes and doesn’t want to come over to the house. I am stressed out and told him that I want more money in the divorce (if there is one) and I want his stuff out. Then the next day I want him there again. But sometimes I break down and cry because of the mean things he said.
He has said that he doesn’t want to hurt me and he feels obligated to make it work. And he said he doesn’t know if he’s tried hard enough. What is going to come of our marriage? Could we get past this without counseling?
Best answer:
Answer by kelly w
leave him. Have pride for yourself. You will never be able to trust him. He doesn’t deserve you
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Stress Lavoro Correlato: Intervista a Michele Tassistro, Partner di BLC. – Valutazione del rischio stress lavoro correlato, dal punto di vista di un Partner BLC.