What Do You Do if Your Insurance Only Gives 20 Visits Per Year and You Need More..?
Question by : What do you do if your insurance only gives 20 visits per year and you need more..?
I was getting addiction treatments last winter for an oxy habit, unfortunately the rehab, therapy, and all the psych visits for my suboxone treatment used up all of my available visits for “mental health or substance abuse” per year. I have been having alot of symptoms of depression lately..”crying spells, intense need to be held,severe fatigue, horrid sleep patterns, etc..” and don’t have any more visits available. I don’t have a job as i just graduated last year and am too weak to work more than an hour or so per day anyway. I have caresource which i think is medicaid based. Is there anyway i can get them to allow me to see a psychiatrist or are there any other ways to get help with this kinda thing?
Best answer:
Answer by Lone
Hey Andrew. First here’s a site that you may be able to relate too. www.subsux.com The feelings you are having are common coming off of Sub, and thee are people at that site that understand and can support you.
As far as counseling, there is usually therapy available free or low cost in every city. If you have a college near you check with them. Really time is what you need, and exercise to jump start your brain into producing endorphins again. That’s one of the big problems with long lasting opioids like Sub and methadone. They screw your brain up but good. The good news is you will recover, it juts takes time. It took me over a year to feel good again after a 2 year stint on Suboxone.
Good luck.
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