What Can I Do About My Serious Problem?
Question by bobby joe: What can I do about my serious problem?
Everyday is the same thing. Get money, get oxycodone. I care about nothing else in the world right now. It would be easy to say just stop but the problem is when i go more than a day without it I find life is just not worth living, not to mention I feel physically bad. I have no motivation to stop because I have literally nothing else in the world going for me. I know this is kind of a rant, but does anybody have any advice or anything at all? and not just, “you should go to rehab”.
Best answer:
Answer by Vinnie RN
Need to find a hobby, go back to school. Do something productive. Realize that pills don’t always make things better even tho it seems like they do. Yes, to to rehab tho and detox and Lear coping skills. Opiate dependence is actually a disease and it can be crippling and chances of relapse if you quit on your own are high. It’s not a good path man, I was there once. Now I’m extremely successful and at the top of my class in college. There’s more to life than chasing the high, you just have to realize it for yourself.
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Glen David Andrews, after rehab, faces his future from the stage
Filed under: detox rehab
After a brief tour with funk legend George Clinton, and after attending Treme Brass Band drummer “Uncle” Lionel Batiste's funeral, Andrews entered a local detox program, a prelude to rehab in Boston. Years ago, he went through rehab in California, but …
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