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What Are Some Books or Movies About Mental Disorders?

Question by dramionelover.: What are some books or movies about mental disorders?
I’m looking for a book, movie, or play that is about a mental disorder such as schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder. Not necessarily limited to those too disorders but just any disorder that would cause a person to be considered crazy.
This has to be suitable for a dramatic interp, however if you don’t know what that is i would still like you input

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Answer by Sarah

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Dr. Aaron Beck: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Schizophrenia – Dr. Aaron Beck discusses in detail the protocol he and colleagues developed for CBT treatment of low functioning shcizophrenics (published in 2011 in Archives of General Psychiatry). The group hypothesized that a patient’s negative beliefs about his abilities would have a greater impact on functioning than attentional or memory deficits, or deficits in executive functioning. A protocol was designed which included techniques such as setting very short term goals, engaging in regular “therapy walks,” and incremental success experiences. Dr. Beck supervised over 1500 therapy sessions for the study. Indeed, outcomes demonstrated significant improvements in activity level and functioning, as well as surprising postivie findings related to hallucinations, delusions, attention, memory and exective functioning. To attend a workshop on CBT for Low Functioning Schizophrenia, go to


Mentally ill becoming a scapegoat in gun control debate

Filed under: schizophrenia therapy

*The lifetime prevalence of violence among people with serious mental illness — like schizophrenia andbipolar disorder — was 16 percent, compared with 7 percent among people without any mental disorder, among 18,000 subjects in a study conducted by …
Read more on ChicagoNow (blog)


Mental illness treatment, identification put into spotlight

Filed under: schizophrenia therapy

But those treatments are expensive and often not covered by insurance, he said, leaving patients and their families to try and manage issues such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. “Most people just in their day-to-day lives are not equipped to deal …
Read more on Toledo Blade


The Backlash Against 'I Am Adam Lanza's Mother'

Filed under: schizophrenia therapy

It was all somehow reminiscent of the days, not so long ago, when mothers of schizophrenic and autistic children were routinely blamed by the medical profession for their child's illness. Labeled …. She is now a therapist who helps violent children …
Read more on TIME