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What Are Good Quotes for a Loved One That’s Going to Die?

Question by Brittany S: What are good quotes for a loved one that’s going to die?
My cousin was in a horrible car accident two nights ago, and is in the hospital in critical condition. Shes on life support and a ventilator and she’s brain dead so she is going to die. Does anyone know any quotes about a loved one dying that doesn’t actually say “death” or “dying” in the quote and is somewhat motivational, yet mourning?
…This question is on here twice on accident. Yahoo told me they deleted it the first time, for some reason. sorry!

Best answer:

Answer by marvin
Here is one that you can say 🙂

People so seldom say I love you
And then it’s either too late or love goes.
So when I tell you I love you,
It doesn’t mean I know you’ll never go,
Only that I wish you didn’t have to.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Janet Kuypers’ poem “Conversations 1, a day of grieving” @ the Cafe Gallery 2/29/12 (Kodak) – On February 29th 2011 (2/29/12), Janet Kuypers introduced the poetry/performance open mike at “the Cafe Gallery” in Chicago @ Gallery Cabaret, and throughout…