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THIN Art Therapy Session


THIN art therapy session – Inside Alisa’s art therapy session. THIN takes us inside the walls of Renfrew Center, a residential facility for the treatment of women with eating disorders. THIN premieres Tuesday, November 14th, 2006 at 9PM EST on HBO.


The iaedp Foundation's Symposium 2013 Offers Prestigious Recognition for

Filed under: eating disorder therapy

Certification is important but not required of this person, widely known to iaedp's members. — The New Professional Award recognizes a member of five years or fewer for innovative and substantial contributions to iaedp and the eating disorder …
Read more on MarketWatch (press release)


Eating disorders: 'Her empty plate spoils the day'

Filed under: eating disorder therapy

Deanne Jade, founder of the National Centre for Eating Disorders, says, 'By having family therapy, everyone, including siblings, can be heard and the issue is tackled with a united front. We don't favour soft-shoe shuffling around them. It almost …
Read more on Daily Mail