“Therapy” When You’re Poor?
Question by : “Therapy” when you’re poor?
I listened to Loveline for so long, and Dr. Drew would always say to “get into therapy” (meaning counseling). But how do you do this? I’ve heard it’s like 60 bucks for a half hour session, and I can’t be paying that just to have someone listen to me talk.
I work full time and do have SOME extra money, but that amount doesn’t seem to make sense. Can you get 3rd party insurance or something?
How does this work? I really could use a professional to help me hash things out, I hate dumping baggage on my friends or family.
Thanks so much.
Best answer:
Answer by Female Health
“Therapy” when your poor… Yahoo Answers
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The Couple, Introduction to Counseling and Therapy Video Series – The introduction to counseling and psychotherapy video series helps beginning psychology students understand this complex process. Students are able to see the session unfold in a step by step fashion that allows them to view what the client and therapist are thinking as well as what techniques are currently being used. This video series marks an innovative new step in the training and education of aspiring therapists. In this episode, a male/female couple comes to discuss their marriage problems and recent infidelity. These videos are with student volunteers as clients, not actual clients. This is a Dramatization for Educational Purposes only and do not necessary reflect the actual skills of the therapist. (more)
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The premise of the episode is that Conan wants to see a therapist, but doesn't want the tabloids to witness him going in for counseling. Kudrow's character, Fiona Wallice, has no idea who O'Brien is. During the Skype session, she googles him and finds …
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