The Therapist’s Notebook for Children and Adolescents: Homework, Handouts, and A
The Power of Your Child’s Imagination Book Launch – The Power of Your Child’s Imagination: How to Transform Stress and Anxiety into Joy and Success (Perigee/Penguin US, 2009) by Charlotte Reznick PhD. Los Angeles Book Launch August 4, 2009.
Burnout among child/adolescent therapists in community mental health outpatient settings: A pathway to understanding.
adolescent therapist
Burnout, a period in which fatigue and frustration occur when a person is devoted to a way of life but is not meeting expectations in that area (Vredenburgh, Carlozzi, & Stein, 1999) has been reported and observed in individuals in the helping profes
List Price: $ 69.00
Price: $ 69.00
The stigma of mental illness among youth: A practical guide for child and adolescent therapists.
adolescent therapist
Years of research has shown that stigma is a significant problem for many adults coping with and recovering from mental illnesses. Adults are not the only individuals who confront mental illness, however, and an increasing number of children and adol
List Price: $ 69.00
Price: $ 69.00
Teenage Depression Different, Treatable
Filed under: adolescent therapist
Psychotherapy, sometimes referred to as “talk therapy,” focuses on the negative feelings and attempts to identify the source of the depression. While in therapy, adolescents will work with the counselor to resolve issues that are troubling and causing …
Read more on The Ledger
Internet Therapy 'Highly Effective' for Teen Chronic Fatigue
Filed under: adolescent therapist
February 29, 2012 — A novel, Internet-based therapy offers a readily accessible and "highly effective" treatment for adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), new research shows. A new Internet-based therapeutic program for adolescents with the …
Read more on Medscape
Adolescent AIDS expert co-authors new guidelines for therapy entry and adherence
Filed under: adolescent therapist
… education and counseling; and health system and service delivery interventions. The needs of special populations, including children and adolescents, are also addressed in the guidelines, as are recommendations for future research in these areas.
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)
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