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The Most Painful Loss Is That of a Child?

Question by JennaBear: The most painful loss is that of a child?
My Grief and Loss counseling professor said, “the most painful loss is that of a child.”

Do you agree or disagree?

And, if so…why isn’t this talked about with women who are relinquishing their children?
Or what about firstmothers who have already relinquished. Why isn’t the pain acknowledged with them?

I guess I just don’t believe that because something was willing doesn’t mean that it negates the pain. A woman who lets their child willingly drive a car and that child is killed in an accident should be able to grieve…and that’s recognized…so why not in adoption?

Best answer:

Answer by meg
i agree with her. a family friend lost their son and its the hardest thing they’ve gone through, they said no parent should experience it

Add your own answer in the comments!



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