Posts Tagged ‘treatment centers’
Alcohol Rehab Fremont CA
Alcohol Rehab Fremont CA – Regardless of where you live, you may have had several trysts with alcohol, often at parties, homes and other social scenes…
Laws needed to help treat drug addiction
Filed under: addiction treatment centers
I had attended countless meetings on the pervasive problem of addiction in Kentucky and that year in Frankfort we addressed the proliferation of meth labs and illegal pain pill clinics through tougher laws. So later, when law enforcement warned us …
Read more on The Courier-Journal
As more states mull legalization, marijuana opponents switch gears
Filed under: addiction treatment centers
1 thing that we're trying to do is to make sure the experience in Colorado is accurately represented nationwide,” said Ben Cort, a Project SAM board member and community liaison with the University of Colorado Hospital's Center for Dependency …
Read more on Al Jazeera America
Luxury Treatment Center – Inspire Malibu
Luxury Treatment Center – Inspire Malibu – – Inspire Malibu is a Luxury Treatment Center for drug and alcohol addiction, located in sunny, southern California. We are a re…
iSober: New App Helps Keep Alcoholics On The Wagon
Filed under: alcohol rehab treatment center
Adults released from in-patient alcoholism treatment centers who got free sober smartphones reported fewer drinking days and more overall abstinence than those who got the usual follow-up support. The results were based on patients' self-reporting on …
Read more on Fox News Latino
Alcoholism Ensley Helpline a Resource for Substance Abusers
Filed under: alcohol rehab treatment center
The Ensley Alcoholism Treatment Helpline is here to help someone find a rehab center that can offer the skills and guidance to prevent a relapse and allow someone to go through life free from a crippling addiction. Call today and locate a reliable …
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Overcoming Alcohol Addiction – Hope Haven in Madison, WI
Overcoming Alcohol Addiction – Hope Haven in Madison, WI – Hope Haven has provided effective and affordable alcohol and drug treatment since 1973. We have two residential treatment facilities in Madison, Wisconsin. O…
As Peter Young Center drug rehab closes, doctor plans wellness center
Filed under: residential treatment facilities
Father Peter Young, who began his work with addicts more than 60 years ago, in Albany, has long been the head of more than 90 residential sites, in-patient treatment centers, and halfway houses in New York State. He ran the rehab center bearing his …
Read more on The Altamont Enterprise
Al Maabar Signs MoU to Establish Region's First Minimally Invasive Surgical …
Filed under: residential treatment facilities
I’m a Cutter?
by Mike_tn
Question by Chels: I’m a cutter?
I have told my freinds.Some of my freinds don’t really mind nor care cuss they are cutters 2.But I also have a lot of freinds who don’t cut and do say its bad.I WANT 2 stop, but I just can’t.I never knew I would have become addicted, or I would have never started.I think a freind of mine is kinda sick of it.He has been like a theripist 2 me.And somtimes I seem very stronge and like I’m getting better.But somtimes I just break down and he has said it seems like I’ve learned nothing.I try and try.Its not easy!I just feel like he’s getting tired of it.Like he thinks I should have already stopped by now.Is he doing the right thing?Or not?Is it MY fault?
Btw, don’t say 2 go 2 theripy or watever.
Best answer:
Addiction Treatment Centers | Alcohol Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab Centers
Addiction Treatment Centers | Alcohol Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab Centers – Alcohol Drug Rehab Centers , help individuals end the struggling so they can reach their sobr…
New smartphone app for recovering alcoholics includes a panic button
Filed under: alcohol addiction center
He's among developers of the app, nicknamed A-CHESS after the center. Gustafson said it is being commercially developed and is not yet available. Of the approximately 18 million Americans who struggle with alcohol abuse, only about 25 percent who get …
Read more on Rick Kupchella’s BringMeTheNews
Steve Blow: Don't let Colorado's pot experiment draw in kids
Filed under: alcohol addiction center
Tina Clemmons is a prevention specialist for the Dallas Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. She has been hearing more and … CASAColumbia has studied the link between addiction and age at first use of addictive substances — alcohol, tobacco and drugs …
Read more on Dallas Morning News
Abstinence Based Addiction Proponents Protest Drug Based Drug Recovery
Abstinence Based Addiction Proponents Protest Drug Based Drug Recovery – Protesters advocating for CDAS, a group that provides abstinence based recovery programs for substance abusers in Montgomery, help a protest last weekend on …
Overdoses spark pleas for life-saving drug
Filed under: drug recovery
Northern Kentucky activists for recovery and community leaders want naloxone, a life-saving pharmaceutical, to be more widely distributed, and fast. While medical professionals and rescue workers have saved hundreds of users, the first known rescue …
NJ heroin surge: Officials say recovery schools, other reforms headed for 2014
Filed under: drug recovery
New Jersey's first public "recovery high school," an education model meant to house students who have recently graduated from treatment centers and shield them from the school hallways where they likely met their first drug dealer, will also open in …