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Posts Tagged ‘talk therapy’

Hypnosis: An Introduction – Dr. James E Walton


Hypnosis: An Introduction – Dr. James E Walton – – Part 1 of 7 – Dr. James E. Walton, counseling therapist in Los Angeles, introduces hypnosis on the Greg Mantell Show and dispels some common myths. This is the first in a series on hypnosis. Check out his self-help audios at


Judge blocks 'gay-conversion therapy' ban

Filed under: counseling therapist

“When applied to [counseling] performed through 'talk therapy,' SB 1172 will give rise to disciplinary action solely on the basis of what the mental health provider says or the message he or she conveys,” the judge said. “When a mental health provider …


Alexandria-based Psychology and Counseling Group, Capital Therapy Group

Filed under: counseling therapist

Individual Counseling


Individual Counseling – Describes symptoms and sample scenarios for individuals needing counseling.


Study: Talk Therapy May Help Depression when Medications Inadequate

Filed under: individual counseling

Cognitive behavioral therapy, talk therapy, is a widely used type of mental health counseling in which a mental health counselor provides a structured environment for aiding the individual to recognize inaccurate or negative thinking, explains …
Read more on Yahoo! News (blog)


How to Find a Therapist


how to find a therapist – one hot line is 1.800.SUICIDE (784.2433) that 24/7 but you can also find some in you city w/ Google… type (crisis hot line and *the city you live in*) or 211 (this is free and 24/7) REMEMBER to ask for FREE or SLIDING- SCALE FEE therapist Did you know I have a Blog? To see more videos Check out my Channel


Dear Abby: Set boundaries, urge friend to get help

Filed under: find a therapist

She has been suicidal in the past but now refuses to see her therapist. We're worried that if we don't continue serving as her talk therapy, — which we find draining — Cara might become so depressed she'll hurt herself. How do we extricate ourselves …
Read more on The Daily News Journal




CBT 2 – CBT 1-2


Cognitive behavioral therapy may help when antidepressants don't

Filed under: cognitive behavior therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) aims to change the negative thinking patterns and beliefs that ruin a person's mood and trigger depression. The therapist helps the patient learn how to recognize and change their inaccurate beliefs, react more …
Read more on CBS News


New study suggests talk therapy may help depression, SAD

Filed under: cognitive behavior therapy

The United Kingdom study is the first large-scale trial to test the effectiveness of “talking” psychotherapy, called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), when combined with medication for depression. Research from the study found that depressed people …


Cognitive behavioural therapy 'effective' against depression

Filed under: cognitive behavior therapy

Online Therapist for Depression


Online Therapist for Depression – Online Therapist Dr. Peter Strong offers Online Therapy via Skype for Depression. Mindfulness Therapy is very effective for healing the underlying cause of depression, anxiety and emotional stress. Now Mindfulness Therapy is available online via Skype. Visit Email inquiries welcome. I also have lots of articles for you to read on the Psychology Today website – Visit


Study Says Talk Therapy Eases Depression. Isn't That Kind Of The Idea?

Filed under: therapist for depression

A new study confirms that the decades-long practice of talk therapy does, in fact, work for treating depression. But what at first seems like a pretty obvious research finding is surprisingly revealing: The premise of the study isn't just to ask “does …
Read more on BlissTree


Miles City school administrators tackle problem of suicide

What Happens in Psychology Therapy, Do They “really” Work?

Question by Sonho de Valsa: What happens in psychology therapy, do they “really” work?
They talk to you & give you advices… and then you’re changed? Really?
In other words, are they really effective or some people don’t see any results?
I hear a lot “go see a therapist”, but I was wondering if it really works.
btw, the specific therapy I’m interested in is one for adults who were molested in their childhood.

Best answer:

Answer by chocolate1212
For some people it does, and for some it doesn’t. It feels nice to have someone to talk to, and know that they can’t tell anyone.
Some people don’t work that way. Sometimes they really don’t need to privately talk to someone, because they don’t have any secrets or things they already haven’t said.

What do you think? Answer below!