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Posts Tagged ‘on wednesday’

What Things Did Jesus Christ Do in Order to Make His Second Coming Occur at Any Time?

Question by Mr.Funeral: What things did Jesus Christ do in order to make his second coming occur at any time?
I have heard people say he will come like a thief in the night,well it is in the middle of the night here in Chicago(1:08 A.M) and that dramatic movie music is starting to play in my head(you know when you are watching a movie and something is about to happen and the strings start to play and the music gets more dramatic and serious and then that something happens)

Best answer:

Answer by LyssQ
You should probably get some sleep.

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Veteran in shooting case returned to prison

Filed under: sober living

Drug Rehabilitation Vancouver Call 778-216-1863 for Help Now BC


Drug Rehabilitation Vancouver Call 778-216-1863 For Help Now BC – Drug Rehabilitation Vancouver Call 778-216-1863 For Help Now For Help Now BC. If you are looking for Drug Detox Vancouver BC, Drug Treatment Vancouver BC, Dr…


Chief Keef gets OK to go to rehab in California

Filed under: residential drug rehab

Hoffenberg on Wednesday had ordered Cozart to undergo 90 days of drug treatment at the Haymarket Center, a residential treatment center on the West Side. But Cook County sheriff's officials delayed sending him there pending a hearing to clarify with …
Read more on Chicago Tribune


Protectionism in Juvenile Corrections

Filed under: residential drug rehab

On August 30th, the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) recommended that the Corsicana Residential Treatment Center (CRTC) be shuttered pursuant to provision in the state budget that called for the closure of at least one youth lockup. The CRTC is …
Read more on Freestonecountytimesonline

Levels of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment


Levels of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment – Miramar drug and alcohol treatment center (888) 363-8721. There are essentially two different levels of alcohol and drug ad…


ABC's Elizabeth Vargas checks into rehab for alcohol addiction

Filed under: alcohol addiction treatment

(UPI) –ABC confirmed Wednesday that Elizabeth Vargas is in treatment for alcohol abuse, which explains her absence from the 20/20 anchor desk in recent weeks. “Like so many people, I am dealing with addiction," the 51-year-old said in a media statement.
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Elizabeth Vargas, ABC '20/20' Anchor, Enters Rehab For Alcohol Dependence: 'I

Filed under: alcohol addiction treatment

Elizabeth Vargas, probably best known for her in-depth investigative reporting on ABC's 20/20, is in treatment for alcohol dependence, according to a statement released by the anchor on Wednesday. "Like so many people, I am dealing with addiction," …
Read more on Medical Daily

Costa Rica Drug and Alcohol Rehab Call 866 921 3778


Costa Rica Drug And Alcohol rehab call 866 921 3778


Elizabeth Vargas In Rehab for Alcohol Abuse

Filed under: addictions rehab

… and will remain in treatment for a few weeks more. She'll return to "20/20" when she's released from the rehab facility. Vargas released a statement saying she suffers from addiction, claiming, "I realized I was becoming increasingly dependent on …


ABC's Elizabeth Vargas Checks Into Rehab For Alcoholism

Filed under: addictions rehab

… Vargas has checked into rehab for alcohol abuse, the New York Daily News reported on Wednesday. Vargas, who co-anchors "20/20" and was briefly a co-anchor of "World News," told the paper that she is one of the many people struggling with addiction.
Read more on Huffington Post


Addicted to Christ Canaan Presbyterian Church of New Jersey June 2012 Group 3 Large


Addicted to Christ Canaan Presbyterian Church of New Jersey June 2012 Group 3 Large


Support Groups: October 2013

Filed under: christian addiction counseling

Group facilitator is Chris McKee, LSCSW, bereavement counselor. Call (785) 263-6630 or 258-3611 … 7 p.m. Thursdays at Salina Heights Christian Church, 801 E. Cloud. Call 827-2653. ….. A faith-based Christian-centered addictions program. 7-9 p.m …


Rolf Dinsdale, Liberal Candidate In Brandon, Is Not Your Typical Politician

Filed under: christian addiction counseling

After Dinsdale won Wednesday, Kinsella again wrote on his site that the "band is neither 'Christian rock' nor serious." His Band Has … According to the band, all proceeds from the song will be "donated to Canadian charities that provide addiction …
Read more on Huffington Post Canada


Do You Think Science Can Fix What Evolution Has Given Us if You Don’t Believe in Creation?

Question by EXPLORE THE TRUTH: Do you think science can fix what evolution has given us if you don’t believe in Creation?
SCIENTISTS are hard at work to try to find genetic causes for alcoholism, drug addiction, promiscuity, violence, other aberrant behavior, and even for death itself. Would it not be a relief to find that we are not responsible for our actions but are merely victims of biology? It is human nature to blame someone or something else for our errors.

If the genes are to blame, scientists hold out the possibility of changing them, eliminating undesirable traits through genetic engineering. The recent success in mapping the entire human genome has given such aspirations new impetus.

Best answer:

Answer by Talon
Not in the immediate future, but it is possible..

Add your own answer in the comments!


HCDC Substance Abuse Program graduates first class