Posts Tagged ‘new york’
Rolling River Day Camp Rock the River Spring Festival on FiOS1
Rolling River Day Camp Rock the River Spring Festival on FiOS1 – Rolling River Day Camp of East Rockaway/Oceanside, New York (Long Island) was featured in a segment on FiOS1 in May 2012. Their annual Rock the River Spring …
An Institution-Building Approach for Yemen
Filed under: peninsula counseling center
As in the Saudi center, religious scholars should be used to deradicalize detainees. As part of the demobilization effort, the center would provide financial payments, family counseling, mental health services, basic education, and job assistance …
Read more on Council on Foreign Relations
Insight: Fears of Syria militancy expand influence of Saudi prince
Filed under: peninsula counseling center
That campaign was so successful that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula sent an assassin to kill the prince in 2009, posing as a would-be defector before detonating a bomb hidden in his clothes. Prince Mohammed narrowly survived that attack and was …
Read more on KFGO
Do You Think Contraception Should Be Aloud in Schools?
Question by Bobbie: do you think contraception should be aloud in schools?
i have a essay on why contraception shoud be aloud in school.
now im only a 14 year old girl. parents what do you think?
Best answer:
Answer by allegory
From Advocates for Youth:
“Adolescent birth rates in the United States are the highest among industrialized nations.1 At least 80 percent of teenage pregnancies are unintended, and three-fourths of these pregnancies occur to adolescent women who do not use contraception.1 Moreover, unprotected sexual intercourse places adolescents at risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV. In the United States, about one-fourth of all new STD infections occur among youth ages 15 to 19, and one-fourth of all new HIV infections occur in those under the age of 21.
My Grandma Is Dying. How Do I Cope With the Pain?
Question by Avery Waters: My grandma is dying. How do I cope with the pain?
I love my grandma so much. She has ling cancer and is down to her final hours. I’m so sad, I wanna kill my self just to be with her, or start cutting or something. My eyes are burning because I’ve been crying for an hour and I hurt like physically. How do I help the pain stop?
Best answer:
Question by Azazeelie: depression????????????????????????????????????????????????
ok well im a 15 year old guy and im in love with my best friend but i haven’t seen her in a long time and this has put me into a deep state of depression and i don’t know what to do about it.
i cant go to a doctor or therapist about this i dont want to be put on meds. and i dont need psychiatric help i just need something to get my mind off it
Best answer:
Answer by Caitie Shores
Talk to someone about it. A good friend, or even a therapist. If you really think you may have depression then you can go to your doctor or therapist and tell them & ask them questions.
Thats probably the best thing you can do right now. Keep your head up high 🙂 my best wishes to you!
– caitie
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?????? ??????, ????? ????????? ????????, ????? ???? – An introduction to Psychological Depression and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). ????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????????? ????????? (?????.
The Mental Anguish of the Long-term Unemployed
Filed under: psychological depression
Marilyn Puder-York spends her days coaching successful corporate executives on how they can get even further ahead. But for years, the New York-area psychologist counseled long-term unemployed people on how to deal with their depression while they …
Read more on The Fiscal Times
Military's M Mental Health Program Ineffective, Analysts Say
Filed under: psychological depression
During a decade of war after the turn of the millenium, mental illness rates rose 62 percent with more than 935,000 current or former service members diagnosed with serious psychological disorders including PTSD and depression, as the suicide rate …
Read more on Medical Daily
How Do You Define “Fair Treatment” of Blacks in Today’s Society?
Question by Hebrewtocracy: How do you define “fair treatment” of Blacks in today’s society?
If you define “treating Blacks fair” as making sure that their standard of living is the same as that of White people, you run into the insurmountable problem of finding a way to make that happen. Do you build new houses for them? It has been tried and they always make the new ones look just like the old rundown broken apart cesspools they left to move into your new housing. And they create this nearly magical transformation in an unbelievably small amount of time. Do you give them free money? Once again, it has been tried. Trillions of dollars later we find that all we have done is pay for the breeding of even more Blacks who reside under the poverty line. We have given them preferential treatment in getting into schools, getting hired and promoted, and nearly every other area of life where you and I would be expected to get in and fight for it, before we would be awarded the prize. Today, they are still living like Blacks live all over the world. I submit that the entire Gross National Product of this country would not be enough to force Blacks permanently into the same standard of living that Whites have.