Posts Tagged ‘new york’
Marriage and Family Therapist?
Question by Aryn M: Marriage and Family Therapist?
I have been thinking of becoming a marriage and family therapist, I am pretty sure that this is what i want to go into in college. I want to know however, how other Marriage and Family Therapists knew that this was the right choice for them.
I’m just wondering. .
Best answer:
Answer by Lili
It’s a fine field, but if I might suggest: get married and have children before you seek a graduate degree and certification in this area.
You’ll need at least a master’s degree to become a serious professional. However, the worst “marriage and family therapist” I know was divorced after fewer than two years of marriage and has never had a child or raised so much as a stepchild or niece or nephew.
And yet she claims to be a specialist in this area.
Drug Rehab Addiction Treatment Center “CARE FLORIDA” in Palm Beach South Florida
Drug Rehab Addiction Treatment Center “CARE FLORIDA” in Palm Beach South Florida – Drug Rehab Addiction Treatment Center “CARE FLORIDA” in Palm Beach South Florida. Dedicated to treating addiction, substance abuse, intervention, medical det…
Cher's son opens up about heroin use
Filed under: addiction substance abuse
In the wake of Philip Seymour Hoffman's untimely death, Cher's son Elijah Blue Allman is among the celebs going public about their struggles with substance abuse. Allman, son of Cher and her second husband rock musician Greg Allman, spoke to …
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Avelonne would create state office to address addiction, treatment
Filed under: addiction substance abuse
Avellone said the Office of Recovery would be within the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and absorb the current Bureau of Substance Abuse that currently works on issues related to addiction. The office would be staffed with regional …
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Chronic Pain?
Question by flagguttie: Chronic Pain?
I have Chronic Pain going on 11 years. I have been on many pain medications over the years, had several pain doctors perform several injections in several places to try and freeze or kill the nerves. I have recently had a neuro stimulator installed and it seems to have some relief and I am still on medication. I would like to get off the medication and I know the withdrawls will be hell. What’s the best way to handle these symptons and avoid having major issues while coming off?
I am on MS-Contin 15mg – 2 per day, and Loratab 10/500 – 4 per day
Best answer:
Answer by war b
theres many natural pain medications, i suggest slowly going off, just decrease your meds every couple days, soon when you get to 1 pill start cutting it in half and ect ect.
Coping With Losing a Child
Coping with losing a child –
Recovery in Partners of Sex Addicts
Filed under: grief loss of a child
Living through this kind of open-ended loss is similar, I believe, to the process that families go through when they discover a disorder such as Autism in a child or experience the disappearance of a loved one. … Acceptance of a loss is a grieving …
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Courier Times Community Calendar for February 10
Filed under: grief loss of a child
7 p.m. tonight. Non-profit bereavement support group for family members grieving the death of a child, regardless of age or cause. American Heritage Federal Credit Union, 2068 Red Lion Road, Philadelphia. Free. All family members welcome. 215-396-0460.
Read more on Bucks County Courier Times
Alcohol Rehab | Drug Rehab | Heroin Rehab | Cocaine Rehab
Alcohol Rehab | Drug Rehab | Heroin Rehab | Cocaine Rehab – Capo by the Sea is an exclusive drug addiction and alcohol rehab center offering customized recovery programs using the very best techniques in addiction med…
Reggie and the Full Effect Did Not Disappoint Last Night at Fubar: Review and …
Filed under: cocaine rehab
He later released Last Stop: Crappy Town, an album about the trials and tribulations of riding the New York subway to rehab, but due to a lack of faith from Vagrant Records the album was shelved for over a year. The most recent tour was impossibly …
Read more on Riverfront Times (blog)
Hansen: To his left, a life of drugs; to his right, a chance to turn it all around
Filed under: cocaine rehab
Punishment…treatment Center, or JAIL?!?
Question by harmony: Punishment…treatment center, or JAIL?!?
My friends brother was arrested 2 months ago on some serious charges…in New York State. He seems to think that he is going to get off with going to a treatment center and avoid anymore jail time. He is a sever alcoholic who has had 1 prior DWI. He was drunk and drove through a 35 mph zone and 92 mph, dodged police and pulled into a parking lot to “hide.” When he realized it was a dead end, he smashed into 5 cars including a police cruiser trying to leave. He resisted arrest, and tried fighting with police officers. He only has a public defender, not a great laywer. I seriously think he is going to prison for at LEAST 1 year. Here are his charges….