Posts Tagged ‘mental health’
Soldiers Say Veterans Affairs Letting Us Down
Soldiers say Veterans Affairs letting us down – Mon, Feb 13: They fought for our country, but is Veterans Affairs failing to support our soldiers when they need it most? Mike Le Couteur reports.
Miss. network set for child medical, mental needs
Filed under: mental counseling
Parents and children would then be referred to sites around the state for mental and behavioral counseling, and UMMC medical specialists would use videoconferencing links to provide advice and consultation to pediatricians in areas outside of Jackson.
IMPACT sharpens focus on mental health services for youth
Filed under: mental counseling
The challenge comes as Region Ten, one of 40 community services boards across the state that form the backbone of the Virginia's public mental health system, turns to localities facing for help retaining school counseling positions that would otherwise …
Read more on The Daily Progress
In Your Opinion, Is Counseling “Worth It”?
Question by alisona.: In your opinion, is counseling “worth it”?
For the past few months I have felt extremely fatigued, have had no appetite, and have felt quite listless and depressed. I visited a doctor who ran blood work to check for any physical symptoms, but who advised that no matter what the results return, I should definitely get counseling. Although I logically know that seeing a counselor is probably the best, I am also opposed to the idea. I am currently a high school junior wanting to go to college overseas if possible, and if not then out-of-state in the US. No matter how I do it, college will be very expensive and in the meantime I need to work at saving money and maintaining the best grades/test scores possible. Why would I want to waste the time, and more importantly money, on someone telling me to be optimistic about my teenager problems? I know that counseling is much more than that, but I still feel generally opposed to spending money that I need for college to see basically a paid friend. However, I have a naggy feeling that maybe I do need this. I’m not sure where I stand.
For those of you that currently see or have seen a counselor, or are close to someone who has/does, what are your thoughts? Opinions? Thank you.
Can U Suggest Me Any “Self Help” From Online Resourses?
Question by isay: Can u suggest me any “self help” from online resourses?
Best answer:
Answer by vera
It all depends on what you need “self help” for, so I can’t really suggest too many websites, because most of them are specific to the situation and circumstances.
However, here are some good self help tips:
What Is “Phase 3 Depression”?
Question by moon goddess: What is “phase 3 depression”?
My best friend told me he is entering into phase 3 depression and I have no idea what that is and he won’t tell me because he doesn’t want me to worry.
Best answer:
Answer by openthepodbaydoors
I don’t think this is an official psychiatric term.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Soul Therapy: Depression Part 2 – Soul Therapy: Depression Part 2 of 4 Generations Church Foley Alabama Pastor Mike mcrea Sunday Morning Message Sept. 2, 2012 Bible Text: Web Page: generation…
Food is new frontier in mental health therapy
Filed under: therapy depression
Jodi Corbitt had been battling depression for decades and by 2010 had resigned herself to taking antidepressant medication for the rest of her life. Then she decided to start a dietary experiment. To lose weight, the 47-year-old Catonsville, Md …
Read more on Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Use the Hunger Scale to Trust Yourself With Food
Use the Hunger Scale to Trust Yourself with Food – This video will describe the hunger scale. Use this scale to learn how to listening to your body. Learn when you are hungry and …
Facing addiction, and looking to tradition
Filed under: eating disorder counseling
In the United States, illegal drug use, alcoholism, sex addiction, eating disorders, and pathological gambling cost society billions of dollars in lost productivity, law enforcement, treatment, incarceration, regulation, violence, and crime. The …
Read more on New Jersey Jewish News
Yale student , 92 lbs., stuffed her face with Cheetos, ice cream to pacify …
Filed under: eating disorder counseling
She met with a nutritionist and a mental health counselor, as well, to determine whether she might have an eating disorder. She said a nurse told her at one point that her low weight would kill her if she didn't do something about it. Although she …
Read more on New Haven Register
Can Depression Lead to Physical Pain?
Question by Chanel: Can depression lead to physical pain?
I have been very upset for about 5 months now…but I think that things really shifted over 3 months ago. Almost everything reminds me of why I am upset. I get sick a lot more than usual. My stomach is constantly hurting. And Lately my chest really hurts as well. Could this all be from depression? And I also don’t get much love and support… The only adult(teacher) that I do have in my life is leaving… and I will never see her again, I cry about it every night… I feel like a part of me is legitimately missing. Most of my family lives miles away. and it always seems that everyone important to me always ends up leaving. I cry myself to sleep evernight (secretly). What should I do? I can’t put up with all of this pain (emotionally and physically) . Also, I am only 14… I still have the rest of my life ( unfortunately) , help? Advice? Much appreciated…