Posts Tagged ‘mental health’
Sean Campbell Discusses His Positive Experiences With Psychological Counseling
Sean Campbell Discusses His Positive Experiences with Psychological Counseling – Sean Campbell, award winning speaker and mental health advocate, speaks to the campus and general community at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College in Clift…
Man sentenced to 90 days in jail over weekends in Route 20 collision
Filed under: psychological counseling
She has undergone physical, vision, occupational and speech therapy and psychological counseling. “He had no right to do this,” she said. “Why does he get to live his life when I'm still suffering?” Bantin-Barney told the judge, “Before the accident …
Read more on Buffalo News
Lara Courrier seeks re-appointment to Mineral school board
Filed under: psychological counseling
I am a graduate of Keyser High School, attended Potomac State College, have a bachelor's degree in psychology from West Virginia University, and have a master's degree in counseling from Marshall University. I am a licensed professional counselor and a …
Read more on Cumberland Times-News
Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents
Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents – Child and Adolescent Psychologist, Lisa Saponaro, discusses the treatment of children who experience social, emotional and behavioral difficulties. Dr. Sapon…
Discussion on Adolescents' Issues
Filed under: counselling adolescents
To commemorate the annual day of the Adolescent Awareness, Counselling and Empowerment Project (AACEP) project, the Arunodhaya Centre for Street and Working Children and Youth Forum organised an annual consultation to highlight the pressing …
Read more on The New Indian Express
Let's talk about sex and youths
Filed under: counselling adolescents
To address this, the government outlined several programmes, including setting up a new police department specifically for crimes against children, and counselling services to be given at schools, hospitals and police stations. Two things must be noted …
Read more on The Star Online
Will the United States Go Through Another “Great Depression”?
Question by Go For Broke: Will the United States go through another “great depression”?
$ 4 a gallon of gas, banks with bad loans worth hundreds of billions from the housing bust, declining dollar, lay offs, low savings rate, and of course President Bush and Ben Bernanke are still in the throne with our money supply.
Do you think the doomsday prophets are right on target this time around?
Best answer:
Answer by BB
D-day not so much but I do agree with another depression coming on. I have been saying that for a year now. ^^
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Teens seek help for depression – Columbia Links reporter sits with Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center counselor Amanda Harris to see how teens deal with depression.
Depression and Suicide: How to Know When You Need Help
Vocational Rehab
Vocational Rehab – Greenleaf JTS, Inc. is a social enterprise and leader in employment services for persons with differing abilities. Jennife…
Several mental, social services now available locally
Filed under: vocational rehab
Offices are made available for other service agencies that need to provide a convenient location. One of these is the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation (DARS). Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Sasha Esparza meets with clients here so that …
Read more on Aransas Pass Progress
Calling for Help How do you deliver mental health care to Spokane's homeless?
Filed under: vocational rehab
In January, when his benefits kicked in, he got treatment and medication at a Frontier rehabilitation center. He has a biweekly … Now Ortiz is enrolled in House of Charity's vocational program, hoping to get a job he'll enjoy in Spokane. He says that …
Read more on Pacific Northwest Inlander
Earning an Online Degree in School Counseling From Capella University
Earning an online degree in School Counseling from Capella University – – The impact of earning an online degree in school counseling from Capella University, an accredited online university.
Tobacco use tied to 53% of deaths in schizophrenia patients
Filed under: addictions counseling
… is affiliated with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, and his associates. Two factors are probably driving the excess mortality, they noted: insufficient tobacco use counseling and treatment, and the absence of regular cancer …
Read more on Clinical Psychiatry News Digital Network
Kristina Olvera Says She is a Woman. The Prison System Says He is a Man.
Filed under: addictions counseling
Looking for Meth Rehab San Francisco? Watch This!
Looking for meth rehab San Francisco? Watch this! – If you need meth rehab near San Francisco, we can help. For mental health try our meth rehab near San Francisco. Our centers specialize in dual diagnosis for…
FAIR: Missouri no longer meth capital, but don't celebrate too much
Filed under: meth rehab
Most of the areas with high meth use also are mired in poverty. Too often, meth seems like the easy way out. The war on drugs is better on busts than it is on rehab programs. It's good that Missouri has a reprieve from being the Meth Capital of the World.
Hong Kong girls using wider variety of drugs than boys as addicts get younger
Filed under: meth rehab