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Posts Tagged ‘kansas city’



PortiaTV – Video I did with Aubrey and Jennifer. Fun times. Music: Party in the USA and Cant be Tamed- Miley Cyrus Sleep- Kimya Dawson


Chiefs officals: team provided couples counseling to Belcher, girlfriend

Filed under: couple counselors

Kansas City Chiefs officials knew that linebacker Jovan Belcher and his girlfriend were having relationship problems, and the team provided the couple with counseling in an effort to help, a police official said. Belcher fatally shot Kasandra Perkins …
Read more on Jackson Clarion Ledger


Chiefs knew of couple's problems

Filed under: couple counselors

Kansas City Chiefs officials knew that linebacker Jovan Belcher and his girlfriend were having relationship problems, and the team provided the couple with counseling in an effort to help, a police official said. Belcher fatally shot Kasandra Perkins …
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Sand Play Counseling Session for Training


Sand Play Counseling Session for Training – Jill Weadick is counseled by Jennifer Kerner in their “Introduction to Sand Tray and Play Therapy” class to train mental health professionals. See how Jill is able to go deeper and deeper within her psyche by being guided by Jennifer’s words and witnessing of her sand play world.


The Fast Break

Filed under: play therapy counseling

1. Talk to me about the recovery. How's that going? “I started playing again in June, but it's been a long process. I tore my ACL in September last year and had the surgery in October. Then came the recovery and therapy all through basketball season …
Read more on Kansas City Star


The Flatulent Grief Counselor


The Flatulent Grief Counselor – Carlton is fired after years of loyal service. In spite of his misfortune, Carlton admires his boss’s cool-headed ability to make a tough personnel decision. After all, it is never easy to let a long-term employee go. How would YOU handle this delicate situation? Food for thought…


Psychologists: Playing can be therapeutic, but counseling is key

Filed under: grief counselor

How the Chiefs cope long term will have a lot to do with the quality and continuity of grief counseling they get from management, Ph. D. psychotherapist Jay Granat told USA TODAY Sports. The team has announced counselors will be made available. "A lot …
Read more on USA TODAY


Grief Counselors At Evanston High After Fatal Shooting Of 2011 Grad

Filed under: grief counselor

What Jobs Deal With Examining Synaptic Connections and Human Behaviour?

Question by mittenx: What jobs deal with examining synaptic connections and human behaviour?
I recently became interested in the brain and how it’s synaptic connections affect the rest of a person’s life. Psychologists deal with human behaviour, but I’m not personally into the whole “counseling” thing. I don’t like dealing with people. So help me out under those prerequisites.

Best answer:

Answer by Represent !
You could possibly get a degree in Psychology / Neuroscience and perform research rather than practice Clinical Psychology. I’m not certain at which level, though, perhaps PHD. It might be something you’d want to discuss with an academic advisor.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



What Is the Difference Between a Mental Health Counselor, Social Worker, or Psychologist?

Question by Noa Bach: What is the difference between a mental health counselor, social worker, or psychologist?
I’m not sure what I want to do. But I know I want to provide counseling to all types of people (children, teens, adults, elderly) my main goal is to help heal them so this can end up healing the Planet 🙂
Don’t want to do any type of testing. I want to help children dealing with bullying, childhood trauma, etc. Adults that need healing from abuse, self-esteem, depression, family problems, sexuality issues etc.

Best answer:

Answer by Weird.
Mental health counselor (clinical psychologist) works with people who have schizophrenia and OCD
and much more

Social Worker works with kids, teens, and adults dealing with troubled living situations and such

Psychologists go in to depth with the patient and can work in a variety of environments, they also prescribe patients when needed.

My Rights Violated? Pro Needed!?

Question by tracy s: My rights violated? Pro needed!?
Legal question-I am under probaton for a dui offense.
My probation officer demand that i go to some sort of “treatment” program.She wants me to go off certain medictaion that probation feel are “addictive”.anyway,the probation officer spoke with my doctor and identfied me as a “substance abuse” offender.she had no written authorization to do this”release” and my doctor informed In an email that she had NO knowledge of this info prior.TO my understanding this could be a violation or Hippa laws and protected health information laws.please pro or knowlgeble answers only.And yes i have a copy of the mail..

Best answer:

Answer by BigD
A communication from someone TO your doctor – not a violation of HIPPA.

What medical information did your doctor release? Probably none.

Give your answer to this question below!