Posts Tagged ‘group therapy’
NARCONON Georgia Alcohol Abuse.
NARCONON Georgia alcohol abuse. – The Narconon New Life Detoxification Program has resulted in astonishing improvements in students who consistently report: – Ability to think more clearly. -…
Rehab racket: Frauds, felons and fakes
Filed under: drug and alcohol treatment facilities
No more than 30 people trickle into the rehab center until the doors are locked 10 hours later. … In a rehab racket plagued by regulatory holes, paperwork trumps reality, a yearlong investigation by The Center for Investigative Reporting and CNN has …
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Teens claim they were used as fake rehab clients
Filed under: drug and alcohol treatment facilities
But when she was a teenager in foster care, several times a month, she would board a van at her group home and go to rehab. Byers couldn't figure out why she had to take drug tests and sit in group therapy sessions on addiction at So Cal Health …
Identify and Describe Three Types of Group Therapy..?
Question by lan TOTZ: Identify and describe three types of group therapy..?
Best answer:
Answer by Dr. Bob
“Group therapy” is therapy in a group…there may be many focuses or topics, but group therapy is group therapy.
Group therapy was founded by Dr. Alfred Adler in the 19-teens, especially to help parents and teachers deal with unruly children.
The modality is used in relation to alcoholism, drug addiction, divorce, family problems, marital problems, social problems, and in various settings from churches to prisons…I hope this has something to do with your question.
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What I Learned From My Summer Internship in a Jail
Filed under: addiction group therapy
The world of racism, drug addiction, teenage pregnancy, incessant violence, rotting teeth, homelessness, and general subordination is one that my inquirers cannot understand. And it makes … Thus, it is likely that the only place these women receive …
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Fear: Replacing Memories
Fear: Replacing Memories – The human brain goes through a complex process to form and consolidate memories. But is it possible to replace memories of fearful events, and in doing so, a…
Toronto clinic offers help to Facebook & Twitter addicts
Filed under: addiction therapists
These new group therapy sessions, facilitated by internet addiction expert Dr. Kimberly Young, might be able to help you with that. Might. The group is aimed at 18 to 28 year olds who "are suffering from Internet and social media overuse." It's meant …
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Deborah A. Berberich Offers Help to Adolescents with Co-occurring Addiction …
Filed under: addiction therapists
Addiction and mental illness need to be treated simultaneously, but in reality, this is not typically done. More often than not, clinical practitioners do not address mental health concerns until a patient is in recovery, and most drug counselors are …
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Epilepsy drug could help curb symptoms of alcohol and cocaine withdrawal
Filed under: addiction group therapy
A 13-week trial was conducted on 170 participants, all of whom were addicted to both cocaine and alcohol. One test group received treatment with topiramate and the second group received placebos. African American males that used crack cocaine made up …
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Muskegon attorney sentenced for cocaine use
Filed under: addiction group therapy
… and four years of probation. This is the 55-year-old's fourth cocaine conviction. Nolan will be allowed work release during his jail sentence. He must attend therapy and an addiction support group during his probation. Comments ( ) | Share your …
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What Now?Advice Needed. Am I Out of Options?
by taberandrew
Question by : What now?advice needed. am i out of options?
Was in a social services program for rehabilitation(not drug rehab). I can only go to the doctors they assign. I went to caseworker and told them I have a neurological disorder and may very well have problems because of that (brain tissue compression from benign cyst) that has yet to be diagnosed but is visable on an MRI. The caseworkers sent me to a 1st doctor who did not look at the MRI (or take it into consideration) at all. He did a short psychological exam and said I had “mixed personality disorder” and stated it was the reason I had trouble working and that I should “go for counseling”.
The case worker then sent me to a psychologist for 10 sessions. I have completed 7 of them(one hour each). We did nothing but talk about the problems I was having with getting a job and the obstacales. She did gueuinly try to make some good suggestions. But it was the good advice I couldn’t take so to speak because I had either already tried them or thought of the suggestions my self a long time ago and knew they wouldn’t work(for valid reasons). I told last time I went, I told the psychologist i didn’t want to return as I though it was doing no good. Was this the wrong thing to do? She knows only small details of my neurological diorder, but not of the compression from the benign tumor. The case workers are the same way. They know I have a neurological disorder but seem to be disinterested in thinking it could be the benign tumor. All focus is on the “mixed personality diorder”. I am not able to convence them to look at the other probable cause of brain tissue compression as the cause of my problem. No one will listen. What do I do? What can I say?
Grief Counseling (Version2) HeC_UVA
Grief Counseling (Version2) HeC_UVA – Video for UVA Neurology Stroke Education Series… Collaborating for a faith-based health solution HEALTHeCongregations®, the University of Virginia and the …
How to use Facebook to grieve and respond to grieving
Filed under: grief counseling
Be mindful that Facebook is not a replacement for formal therapy, Miller said. She believes that group therapy is one of the most effective methods of counseling. “There's strength in a group that exceeds any one person. Expressing your grief or …
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3 teens killed, 1 critically injured in South Georgia crash
Filed under: grief counseling
"They always made the classrooms really fun; they talked a lot and played but they also got their work done." School principal Elena Ponder said she spoke with students Tuesday morning and the school system is planning to offer grief counseling to any …
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