Posts Tagged ‘drug use’
Family Support: Bargaining With Addiction – Relapse Indicators (6 of 6)
Family Support: Bargaining With Addiction – Relapse Indicators (6 of 6) – Cathy Patterson-Sterling, Director of Family Services for Sunshine Coast Health Center, shares the sixth and final part of her series on Relapse Indicators. …
"Risk Assessment" Cannot Solve Systemic Injustice of Prisons
Filed under: addiction relapse
Even if the focus of pardons is confined to people incarcerated for nonviolent drug offenses, people with multiple convictions for drug use and sale also should be considered, because these coupled behaviors often suggest a cycle of addiction and relapse.
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The Missing Treatment Link – Viewing Addiction as Symptomatic of Disordered …
Filed under: addiction relapse
It is also clear that when an addict fuses substance abuse with sexual activity, each behavior reinforces the other, creating over time a surefire “paired trigger” for relapse. Very often, people with this issue primarily abuse stimulant drugs like …
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Heroin Addiction Story – Parents’ Perspective #3 | My Treatment My Choice
Heroin addiction story – parents’ perspective #3 | My Treatment My Choice – Elizabeth was devastated to discover that her twin boys were both addicted to heroin. Here she tells their story of becoming heroin dependent, of trying to s…
North Korea's new drug addiction
Filed under: heroin addiction
A North Korean guard post, seen from a South Korean observation tower in Paju near the Demilitarized Zone dividing the two Koreas, on December 23, 2011. Reports of rampant recreational drug use of amidon are trickling out of the country. (Prakash …
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Louisiana committee OK's doubling heroin mandatory minimums: Snapshot
Filed under: heroin addiction
At-a-Glance: Just more than a decade after mandatory minimums for heroin addicts and dealers were lessened by Louisiana lawmakers, they're likely to increase again after a bill to double minimum prison terms passed its first hurdle Wednesday (March 26).
Read more on The Times-Picayune
Jen Schickling Unity Alcohol Treatment Facility Interview
Jen Schickling Unity Alcohol Treatment Facility Interview – drug “free drug rehab” “teen drug rehab” “holistic drug rehab” “drug rehab programs” “drug addiction rehab” “inpatient drug rehab” “drug rehab treatment” “dr…
Fast facts about some obstacles to heroin sobriety
Filed under: drug treatment facilities
But of the 23.1 million Americans who needed treatment for drugs or alcohol in 2012, only 2.5 million people received aid at a specialty facility. There simply aren't enough beds at treatment facilities to meet the demand. There are about 12,000 …
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BC-US–Heroin Across America,ADVISORY, US
Filed under: drug treatment facilities
In the course of Salvatore Marchese's five-year struggle with heroin, he was denied admission to treatment facilities again and again, often because his insurance company wouldn't cover the cost. Then one night in June 2010, a strung-out Marchese went …
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Is Decriminalizing Drug Use and Increasing Rehab Opportuniites the Solution to Illegal Drugs?
Question by Alvaro G: is decriminalizing drug use and increasing rehab opportuniites the solution to illegal drugs?
Mexico passed a controversial law on Aug. 20, 2009, decriminalizing people’s personal use of drugs.
the decriminalization policy is a progressive effort to humanize people who use drugs
punitive sanctions for drug users, such as detention, is no longer adopted in Mexico. The government believes that people who use drugs need health treatment. Drug addiction rehabilitation facilities should be established to fulfill their needs for health treatment, care and support for a full reco
Best answer:
Answer by obamasbro
whoooppie ! mexico is already a basket case,now it will be a total sh+i+t hole…people,drug users/addicts are worthless group that contribute nothing to society.what the fk is wrong with you,dopers do not work,just party….
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I Want to Be a Rehab Therapist What Do I Major in College for That?
Question by Claudia: I want to be a rehab therapist what do I major in college for that?
I want to be a therapist that helps drug abused women or mothers but what do I major in college? I am currently a sophomore in high school and kind of struggling in science will that make a difference? Do I have to be extremely smart for this job because I am no where near. Please help!!
Best answer:
Answer by jannsody
I believe that you’re referring to a licensed substance abuse counselor. One may need to take college-level math while in college which may include statistics, however, I don’t believe that a counseling or social work student will need the rigorous type of mathematics such as calculus. The person majoring in counseling or social work needs to have empathy (being able to place oneself in another’s shoes) for the individual with the addiction. Communication skills and reasoning are also traits necessary for effective therapists.
Who Is Justin Vacula?
Who is Justin Vacula? – I have created a ‘channel trailer’ as suggested by YouTube. Justin Vacula — writer for — is a public speaker, …
More women battling addiction
Filed under: mental health counseling program
Crystal Cote-Campos, SSTAR's Open Access director and a licensed mental health counselor, said women hide their drug use out of “shame and guilt.” She said they also don't … It counted 14 men in the program and four women currently. Page 2 of 3 – In …
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Expand Medicaid Mental Health Treatment
Filed under: mental health counseling program
A new groundbreaking study shows that 101,000 Missouri citizens are uninsured with a mental health condition, but eligible for health insurance under the New Medicaid Expansion Program. … Dashed Hopes, Broken Promises, More Despair: How the Lack of …