Posts Tagged ‘depression treatment’
A Good Book About Coping With Grief?
Question by Bookworm: A good book about coping with grief?
I have a friend who is still grieving over the death of a loved one. It has been 2 years and she admits to suffering panic attacks and not being able to properly grieve because she doesn’t want to relive the experience.
She doesn’t want to speak to a counselor, although she goes to religious services and she speaks to friends. I’d like to get her a book about grief and loss not to be preachy or tell her to get help, but something to have on hand to look at during hard times. Any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by Shan
Go to and type “grief” in the taskbar, and enter. Call: The Grief Recovery Institute (U.S.A.) 1-800-445-4808, or Hospice (phone book). Email [email protected] Chatrooms and forums: and and Other websites: and and and and Understand that there are often several stages of grief.
Im on an Antidepressant and It Is Working Wonders! the Only Prob Is My Husband Wants Me Off? for Reasons Below?
Question by elle: Im on an antidepressant and it is working wonders! The only prob is my husband wants me off? For reasons below?
He doesnt want to pay for it. Im a stay home mom. And also he thinks it is bad for me and wants me to go on vitamins. Well vitamins dont help with my anxiety. I think he is acting a little overboard. I finally found something that helps without my heart races constantly for stressful events.
Best answer:
Answer by Tabitha
He has a right to be concerned. All the family financial burdens are his to bear! But if you need them, he should put your health above his financial worries.
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Watch Depression Treatment, Overcoming Anxiety And Dealing With Stress – Anxiety Depression – anxiety depression treatment Anxiety Treatment acute or post-operative pain depression treatment music depression natural remedy sto…
Erasing Stigma of Shock Therapy – Carol Kivler
Erasing Stigma Of Shock Therapy – Carol Kivler – Carol Kivler was interviewed by ABC36 TV about her experiences with shock therapy, also known as electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, as a treatment for severe…
Sleep Therapy: A New Treatment for Depression
Filed under: therapy treatment for depression
Most of the 18 million Americans suffering from depression also have insomnia. Research suggests that a certain remedy for insomnia, known as cognitive behavioral therapy, can double the effectiveness of depression treatment. But it's not widely available.
Read more on KQED
Chronic Depression: New therapy stimulates nerve cells in brain to treat disorder
Filed under: therapy treatment for depression
"What's groundbreaking about (TMS therapy) is that it's a non-pharmacological and non-evasive measure that we know can help in the treatment of depression,” said Dr. Shawn Nelson of the Tri-Cities TMS Center. Dr. Shawn Nelson and Barbara Harris.
Becoming an Ex Smoker General Medicine Information
Becoming An Ex Smoker General Medicine Information – health health care mental health Health Medical Information health tips health documentary Allergy Alternative Medicine Cancer Arthritis Cholesterol Current …
Sleep Therapy Is Expected to Gain a Wider Role in Depression Treatment
Filed under: behaviour therapy for depression
The therapy is easy to teach, said Colleen Carney, director of the sleep and depression lab at Ryerson University in Toronto, whose presentation at a conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in Nashville on Saturday raised …
Read more on New York Times
'The Most Dramatic Advance in Treating Depression in Decades'
Filed under: behaviour therapy for depression
Small studies have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) can be of serious benefit to people with depression. "If the results [of this research] hold up in other studies already underway at major medical centers," they write …
Read more on The Atlantic
Depression Treatment Center
Depression Treatment Center – Discover how to choose the best Depression Treatment Center and Drug Rehab Center. This decision could be the most impo…
WellPoint Offers Seniors Tips for Dealing with Holiday Depression
Filed under: depression treatment center
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines depression as "a persistent sad, anxious, or empty feeling, or a feeling of hopelessness and pessimism."(1) According to a 2007 report … "Depression can be successfully treated. There are …
Read more on MarketWatch
My Injury File: How I Shot, Smoked, And Screwed My Way Through The NFL
Filed under: depression treatment center
Every treatment was in there. Every report written up by Greek or our team doctors. The results of every physical. And an unbiased report from the off-site imaging center that conducted our post-injury MRIs. These MRI reports contain information of …
Read more on Deadspin
What Kind of Healthy Food Contains Alot of Carbs? Also. How Can It Take to Gain 10ibs if You Dont Exercise?
Question by Lina: What kind of healthy food contains alot of carbs? Also. How can it take to gain 10ibs if you dont exercise?
Im trying to gain weight (96ibs, 5’5 and 24 yrs old female who never exercise but sleep more than average and eat healthy small meals but drink too much soda. lol) and people telling me to eat more carbs.
But I dont know what contains much carbs? (dont even understand the ingredience labels) LOL so that I ask this quesiton. What contains alot of carbs that are healthy and easy to cook?
Also: I want gain about 10ibs. How long do you think that would take if I dont exercise but have high metabolism. I dont mind it take slows, I just want to stop my annoying “caused-by-depression” weight loss. -_-
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