TACFIT Warrior $5,000 Giveaway: Winning Is the Only Option!
TACFIT Warrior ,000 Giveaway: Winning is the Only Option! – When I decided to risk it all at the World Martial Arts Games in Las Vegas on a mad attempt to finally, once and for all, prove that something I had used sin…
First Day of School: Already a Stress Fest?
Filed under: stress counseling
Following those first few days of 'going away to college' stress, Irfani came across the UCSB Mental Health Peers when the organization was tabling at the Arbor. She found out about a stress management workshop, a 24/7 counseling line offered by CAPS …
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Pot advocate banned from Monterey law school
Filed under: stress counseling
He said he is disabled, suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and is undergoing therapy and anger management counseling. Saunders said he has dedicated his life to providing medical marijuana to AIDS and cancer patients. Saunders asked Winick if …
Read more on Monterey County Herald
'Normalizing traumatic stress'
Filed under: stress counseling
Meaney-Pieroway said the T.E.D.D. team came into existence in fairly short order after the initial need was indentified, offering group counseling for those who have witnessed or responded to traumatic events. One facilitator and two peer support …
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