Substance Abuse Rehab, Pennsylvania: Begin Your Recovery
Substance Abuse Rehab, Pennsylvania: Begin Your Recovery – Do you need substance abuse rehab but want to get away from Pennsylvania? With our Christian program, you can fully recover with the help and power of prayer outside of PA. Help yourself climb out of the dark depths of addiction and substance abuse. Choose life with substance abuse rehab and return healthy to Pennsylvania. Call 866 858-6003 today.
Substance abuse and the ADA: When does drug use become a disability?
Filed under: substance abuse rehab
"An individual who has successfully completed a supervised drug rehabilitation program and is no longer engaging in the illegal use of drugs . . . (The program usually has to be one that's certified by [an] agency and that it is monitored by a medical …
Database funding key to fighting prescription drug abuse
Filed under: substance abuse rehab
The first step is to provide adequate treatment to help nonviolent addicts get off the pills. In the Sixth Circuit we have created Drugs Courts, which set out to do just that. Drug Court brings treatment centers, counselors and the justice system …