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Should I Listen to Father’s Biased Advice?

Question by Max: Should I listen to father’s biased advice?
I’m 23 years old, and recently married. My mother and father have what I consider an “unhealthy” relationship. My mother is very negative, always drinking and smoking away her anger at the world. My dad prefers to ignore any problem and even feeds her alcoholism by buying a case/bottle or two every so often to “relax” her… Well tonight, while I was doing some research, my father randomly gives me some “advice”: He says that I’m so much like my mother that I should be careful not to cause my husband any grief or sorrow.

Because I was so taken back by his unexpected insult I didn’t say anything.
I don’t drink.. I don’t smoke.. and I don’t blame my bad fortune on anybody but myself and my bad decisions (all attributes far from being anything like my mother).

I felt like saying something like “Father, please don’t take this wrong, but, fix your own problems before telling me how to fix mine.” or “Do not put the baggage of my mother onto my shoulders because of your unwillingness to grow a backbone.”

So my question is, how should I take this? How am I supposed to respond to it? They’ve been saying things like this my whole life and it really bothers me, but it’s no good saying that to them because then I’m just being what they call a “Jewish Princess” AKA “spoiled whiny brat.”

Help please?

Best answer:

Answer by yosistamarissa
Just ignore it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



CAMP GOOD GRIEF: ADVICE TO CAMPERS – Camp Good Grief: Special Victims Program is a grief camp for children and teens whose lives have been shattered due to an act of murder or suicide. Produced by San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos and Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.