Really Quick Question 10 Points! Whats an “Indirect Cause?” (Great Depression)?
Question by Daniii: Really quick question 10 points! whats an “indirect cause?” (great depression)?
It says on my study guide.
3. The great depression
a. indirect causes
b. Immediate causes
c. Effects.
what is an indirect and immediate cause? lol and an example would be great! like from the great depression.
Best answer:
Answer by user-friendly
it’s hard to explain…an indirect cause is basically something that contributed to the depression in a small way and unknowingly.
a completely random and unrelated example would be if your friend was struggling whether or not to buy a lottery ticket, and he remembers one time you saying to him “you need to take more risks,” thus he buys it and wins the lottery. You would be an indirect cause for him winning the lottery since you encouraged him to buy the ticket through something you said to him in the past…and you had no idea (unknowingly) that this would contribute to him winning the lottery.
an immediate cause would be something that’s direct, the opposite of an indirect cause. This is usually something that’s a major contributor to the scenario and knowingly as well.
back to the random example…let’s say you were with him when he was deciding whether or not to buy the ticket and you say “just buy it, have some fun.” He buys it and wins…you’d be an immediate cause since you told him up front and knowingly.
two indirect causes of the GP:
-income inequality
-sticky prices and sticky wages
two immediate causes of the GP:
-stock market crash of 1929
-hoarding money
check this for more:
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What Causes Depression? – Dr. Mayberg explains the causes of depression symptoms. For more information on depression visit
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