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Question About a Class Action Lawsuit?

Question by zippy7676: Question About A Class Action Lawsuit?
I recently got a “contingency fee agreement” in the mail from a lawyer who is filing a class action lawsuit against a website that I have considered taking part in. While the agreement clearly states that there will be no attorney’s fees without recovery, it says the following about “Costs”: Client understands that there will be costs incurred in addition to attorney’s fees. Costs will be advanced by counsel.” It then goes on to run down a list of what the costs may be related to, everything from expert witness fees to copying costs.

Would I be responsible for these costs if we lose the case? I’m not sure what this means.

Best answer:

Answer by trurider t
Yes you would be – for your ‘share’ of those costs divided between the participants. You want to gamble – you have to pay for the bet – unless you win.

Add your own answer in the comments!



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