Psychotherapy for Chronic PTSD With a Vietnam Vet (Clip)
Psychotherapy for Chronic PTSD with A Vietnam Vet (Clip) – Frank Ochberg, MD, works with his client Terry, a Vietnam veteran who suffered from PTSD for 40 years. See the full-length DVD showing personal interviews, commentary, and actual therapy sessions between Terry and Dr. Ochberg as they review their 2-year therapeutic relationship. The DVD includes Ochberg’s step-by-step explanations and demonstrations of PTSD-specific techniques and strategies including the Color Wheel and the Counting Method.
Military Personnel Prefer Therapy to Medication in Treating PTSD
Filed under: ptsd counseling
There are several approaches in treating PTSD. Among the most widely accepted are prolonged exposure (PE) therapy, virtual reality exposure (VRE) therapy, and medication. PE and VRE have been shown to be highly successful in decreasing symptoms of …
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Chico veteran with PTSD tries to recover on his own terms
Filed under: ptsd counseling
Bill Vega, a wounded Vietnam veteran from Chico diagnosed decades ago with PTSD, doesn't know Wright, but has been following his story in the "American Homecomings" series. "He really does need to do the therapy thing, just to see that he's got five …
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