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Poll: Do You Think People Should Be Jailed for Drugs?

Question by Dude: Poll: Do you think people should be jailed for drugs?

[New law in Mexico]: “Under the new rules there will be no action taken against those carrying up to a half-gramme of cocaine, 40 grammes of marijuana or 50 milligrammes of heroin.

Limits are set for other drugs, including LSD and methamphetamine. People found in possession of these small amounts will be encouraged to attend a drug treatment programme.”

I think this is a much better way to handle the drug epidemic. Why jail someone who hasn’t harmed anyone other than himself? We should encourage him/her to get better instead of raped in jail for having a problem.

Best answer:

Answer by H???y!
Yeah, I don’t think you should be jailed for drugs. They have chosen to harm themselves. As long as they are not harming others or selling to under-age people, I don’t think they should be jailed.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



California Drug Treatment Programs – California Drug Treatment Programs Speaker, Dr. Stein, was certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine in 1996. Dr Stein, provides those afflicted with drug and alcohol addiction the professional medical opinion and insight of the holistic drug rehabilitation program. Dr. Stein gained his practical experience for his required hours to achieve Board Certification as a Santa Cruz County Medical Director working directly with the addicted.


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