Are Clinical Psychologists Limited to Only Clinical Psychology?
Question by Ello G: Are clinical psychologists limited to only clinical psychology?
Say… If I became a clinical psychologist, but wanted to switch to a counseling psychologist, or industrial psychologist, etc. Could I make the switch right there? Or would I have to go back for those degrees?
Best answer:
Answer by michele
In most states (though not all), psychologists’ licensing is GENERAL. In other words, whether you have trained as a clinical, counseling, or I/O during your doctoral work, you all get the same license – a generic license as a PSYCHOLOGIST (no specializations). The difference comes in the way in which you market your services, which should be based on your training (i.e., those who trained in counseling psychology call themselves “counseling psychologists”).
~Dr. B.~
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Talk Therapy – Advice –
My Dad Died. “Step Mom” Is Collecting His Social Security for a Child That Is Not His!?
Question by : My dad died. “step mom” is collecting his social security for a child that is not his!?
He passed suddenly. They had been living seperate for a little more than 2 years at the time of dads passing. She had a boyfriend from the start of the seperation, and had a kid with the boyfriend. My father and her never legally seperated/divorced though..and my fathers name is on the birth certificate. It is not his child, admitingly by all parties. However since she’s technically his “widow” she is entitled to survivor benefits. Those benefits become a large amount of money if there is a child involved…so she is collecting a large amount of money each month, claiming to social security that the child is my fathers. It is not. It has been known since she was pregnant that it is not my fathers…however she is just not telling that to social she can get more money. She is also a meth addict. I have already reported it to social security.They said it is fraud if the child isn’t his..and that she will have to pay the money back to social security..they said to get a family lawyer..(which I cannot afford) establish paternity. However I have been told by someone who knows “step mom” that they did do a paternity test. Her and the boyfriend seperated…and he got one for visitation/child support. Yet she is collecting a LARGE sum each month, partying and living off of my dad’s social security. I refuse to let my father be taken advantage of. I understand she is legally entitled to a widows benefit..that I can do nothing about…but this is not right. She shouldn’t be collecting such a huge amount for a child thats not his! It seems that the bad people win. What should I do? Has anyone out there had a similar experience? What would you do? I really need help with this. Im about to call Maury. 🙁 I have actually considered it! Its a mess..and is not right that I should be going thru this..especially after losing my dad. Thank you for all advice! Also I will never see a dime of it..and I dont care..its not about money..its about my father being taken advantage of. He worked hard for those benefits…its not right what she is doing.
Its $ 2600 a month! ….also yes I can prove she’s meth head…she just got arrested for possession of it 2 months ago. I understand your points pragmatism and thank all of you for responses.. yes this is my dads mess…She took advantage of him the whole time they were together..never working..always on drugs..its his mess yes. Social security has told me that it is fraudulent if its not actually his child…I know its the states money…but this woman has just lived off of him for so long. Also he had a girlfriend who found she was pregnant after his passing…and she’s claiming its his..and this one just might be. Her and stepmom were buddies..and were splitting the the girlfriend told me about it after they had a falling out. I told the girlfriend to contact me when she’s ready to establish paternity..because I need to know if I have a sibling …however..thats another mess. I really loved my dad..and yes I guess I am angry with him. I just think its so wrong
Australian Celebrity Apprentice Max Markson’s “Drug Addiction” Attack on Didler Cohen?
Question by Jarrod K: Australian Celebrity Apprentice Max Markson’s “drug addiction” attack on Didler Cohen?
I think it’s time to have a little fun here and ask you your thoughts if any of you Australians follow the show or heard the story after a measly few minutes being reported in media.
Basically what happened was Max Markson attacked Didler Cohen for not doing his job, but out of nowhere, he says he’s a “cocaine addict”. It’s not that it wasn’t true, but that it was uncalled for and inappropriate. And yet…they still aired the scene when he said it. It is one of the most awkward moments I have seen on the show, and so bizarre. Mad Max as they call them revealed how his frustration can lead him to being out of control on the show, and this showed it even more.
Depression and Anxiety Online Counseling May Help Stop Your Panic Attacks
Depression and Anxiety Online Counseling May Help Stop Your Panic Attacks – Anxiety Panic Attack An anxiety panic disorder is described as a anxiety panic attack that is brought on be…
'Well-being, wisdom, wonder' Huffington's message
Filed under: online counseling for depression
"We know how fragile life is — much more fragile than we think," Huffington said, explaining that an unbalanced focus on money and power lead to physical ailments, including depression and addiction. Huffington … "Today is about raising the funds to …
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Fewer Teenagers Carry Weapons After Counseling Intervention
Filed under: online counseling for depression
The study was published online April 14 in JAMA Pediatrics. "Estimates suggest that each year about 4.3 million adolescents present to acute care medical emergency department … So are posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depressive symptoms …
Read more on Medscape
October 15th Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Video
October 15th Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Video – October 15th Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Video by Salwa Owens. All rights to images reserved. Video belongs to Salwa Owens. Music: MercyMe-“The Hurt …
Two more infants die in Attapadi
Filed under: infant loss
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Two newborn-infants died in Attapadi tribal block in Palakkad last week taking the infant death toll due to malnutrition to 69 over the past two years. While tribal couple Amrita-Murugeshan lost their fourth child, another couple …
Read more on Times of India
CM takes notice of child kidnapping
Filed under: infant loss
CHIEF Minister Shahbaz Sharif has taken notice of a news item regarding kidnapping of a nine-month-old infant from Mayo Hospital Lahore and sought a report from Adviser on Health and Secretary Health. He directed the authorities concerned to take steps …
Read more on The News International
I Don’t Know What to Make of This,on a Cycle That Starts Again About Every 3 Months,?
Question by soft honesty: I don’t know what to make of this,on a cycle that starts again about every 3 months,?
I start feeling on top of the world-full of energy, and hope, and confidence, and having goodwill twoards everyone, and having intense deep feelings of love and understanding,-and seemingly overnight, I become the exact opposite-no emotion, no energy, no reason, and very intense anger, not the physical kind, I feel I want to ruin everyone’s life, and make them suffer, as I do. After about a month or two this letts up, and I become a “saint again” This has been happening for years now, and I’ve been on almost every type of meds there are, yet they don’t seem to affect it at all.-I have borderline personality disorder, but I’m not sure if this is the cause of it.What may be causing it, and what do I do about it?
P.S>I know the DBT skills training manual backwards and forwards, sometimes it helps with managing symptoms, but the problem itself remains uaffected.