Summer Camp Advice 5
Summer Camp Advice 5 – is a FREE service that helps parents find the best children’s summer camp, overnight camps, sports camps, teen travel camps, summ…
Our Lives: Being the bearer of bad news
Filed under: grief advice
As a resident, my husband asked for advice on telling a family that their son had died. “Don't let the … The hard part is that after you deliver devastating news, you are left to witness the grief of others, the abject despair that comes on the heels …
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Can Someone With Clinical, Chronic Depression Claim Disability?
Question by mommyo: Can someone with clinical, chronic depression claim disability?
A friend of mine has terrible depression that is controlled by medication. Even though it is being treated, she still has her good and bad days. It has affected everything in her life and she finds it difficult to work. The problem is made worse by the fact that employer after employer seems to see her problem as a character flaw. Can she claim for some kind of disability insurance? I know people who are on disability for other kinds of chronic illnesses. Does depression count?
Best answer:
Answer by John
Yes but it is an extremely long and drawn out process
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Less conflict at home when dad quits drinking
Filed under: alcoholic therapy
Why Are Muslims Calling Their Victory Mosque at Ground Zero a “Community Center”?
Question by : Why are muslims calling their victory mosque at Ground Zero a “community center”?
Is it because they don’t want to admit that its actually a mosque commemorating the successful attack on the WTC? And muslims from all over the world will go their to praise and thank allah for allowing 9-11 to happen? They should call it the “Victory Mosque” since thats what they really consider it to be.
Best answer:
Answer by God
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A Tour of Healing Waters Outreach Center at Shannon Hills, Arkansas – A 15 minute tour of Healing Waters Outreach Center which is affiliated with Let Our Violence End of Little Rock. Healing Waters is located at 14036 Sardis Ro…
Chicago-area Amateur Basketball League Premiere Hoops Partnering With …
Developing and Maintaining a List of Referral Resources With Jason Hays
Developing and Maintaining a List of Referral Resources with Jason Hays – In this Caring Clergy video, Pastoral Counselor Jason Hays talks about how clergy can develop a list of mental health professionals who can help their congre…
The Rise of the Ruvo
Filed under: referral counseling
The Ruvo Center takes new patients through self-referral or patient referral, and among the insurance plans accepted are Anthem BCBS, Cigna Healthcare, Health Plan of Nevada, Sierra Health Care Options, Sierra Health and Life, and United Healthcare …
Read more on Vegas Seven
The new [and not so new] faces of SMRC
Filed under: referral counseling
Gonzales worked as SMRC's cultural outreach coordinator for nearly eight years, bringing together the Hispanic community with events, education and outreach, and providing clients with everything from translation to counseling and referral. She left in …
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Dating a Pain-Pill Addict… He Has Been Clean 1 Year… but I Have Doubts!! Run?
Question by : Dating a pain-pill addict… he has been clean 1 year… but I have doubts!! Run?
I have never even touched a drug. I started dating him a little over a year ago. He had been addicted on and off for over 6 years (he is 32). He was never happy, never had a good job and was miserable so he never got clean.
I met him… realized, it was bad… he went to rehab for 30 days. He has been in NA meetings, has a sponsor and has been clean for 9 months. Has a great job now, a nice truck, we moved in together 6 months ago and I control the money (he only gets a minimal amount in his account every week… it makes me feel better about his sobriety).
Rachel Sussman, LCSW – Couples Counseling, Relationship Therapist New York City
Rachel Sussman, LCSW – Couples Counseling, Relationship Therapist New York City – Rachel Sussman is a licensed New York City therapist providing individual, marriage, couples, and family therapy.
'Mad Men' recap: Just say 'no'
Filed under: relationship therapist
He calls her once he's back, trying to restore their relationship. “I know how I want you to see me,” he says, suggesting how difficult it is … A therapist might diagnose borderline personality. Viewers might diagnose a woman with a great emotional …
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Advisory whiplash: Carolyn Hax Live (Friday, April 25)
Filed under: relationship therapist
Carolyn Hax started her advice column in 1997 as a weekly feature for The Washington Post, accompanied by the work of "relationship cartoonist" Nick Galifianakis. The column has since gone daily and into syndication, where it appears in over 200 …
Read more on Washington Post