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Orange County Alcohol Addiction Treatment and San Clemente Rehab Programs


Orange County Alcohol Addiction treatment and San Clemente Rehab Programs – Alcohol addiction is a common challenge for many people in south Orange county mainly because alcohol is a very common drug. Alcoholism is very hard to spot …


Use of false ID by youth to buy alcohol is a slippery slope toward alcohol use

Filed under: alcohol addiction

"Alcohol use is extremely prevalent among underage youth in the United States – despite MLDA laws – and poses health and safety risks," said Amelia M. Arria, associate professor of behavioral and community health and director of the Center on Young …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)


Robert Smith opens up about struggles with alcohol

Filed under: alcohol addiction

“It's not your fault that you're alcoholic,” Robert Smith said. “You're born that way. But it's damn sure your problem.” Via the News-Herald, Robert Smith also said that his addiction began at Ohio State and increased during his NFL career with the …