Needing Apology?
Question by Tra La: Needing Apology?
I am in an abusive marriage. At the present time he is seeking “counseling”. I am struggling with whether or not his “changes” are sincere and will last.
In the past the abuse has included a rape that occurred while we were both drunk. Then, again an “attempt” in a similar situation. He is aware that this has severely injured me emotionally. And he has openly blamed the problems in our marriage greatly on me. I’m not claiming to be perfect, and I know it takes two to make or break a relationship, but rarely is the blame to be equally divided.
My plight is this: His “recovery” has not included anything but a change in behavior (which I have seen before btw, more than once). No acknowledgement, no responsibility, no remorse, no apology, etc. He claims to have apologized in the past – which I cannot recall, unless he is including a hostile “I’m SORRY” in the midst of an arguement.
I really feel I need to hear a sincere apology. Am I being unfair?
Best answer:
Answer by MHnurseC
Do you feel a sincere need to be safe? Sweetie, its time to go. The only flowers you may get are the ones on your casket. Pack up your marbles and go.
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