Naltrexone Online
Naltrexone Online – Naltrexone Online Naltrexone is an opiate antagonist that decreases cravings for alcohol and blocks the effects of opioid medications and opioid street drugs.
Detox unit closing plan draws opposition
Filed under: treatment for alcoholics
Some of the most compelling testimony came from recovering drug addicts and alcoholics — men and women of all ages and from many walks of life — who talked about how the specialized unit turned around a bleak chapter of their life. A retired English …
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Mom scared she'll die without Crossroads rehab
Filed under: treatment for alcoholics
The alcoholic mom got out of detox at Crossroads Treatment Centre on Wednesday and is now at a safe house for women. She expected to enter Crossroads' six-week rehab program to help her get better, but missed the last intake of patients by one day.
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