My Kids Hate Me, Any Help? Any Mature People Here? Where Can I Find Grief Counseling in Brampton/Mississauga?
Question by Iamwhatiam: My kids hate me, any help? Any mature people here? Where can i find grief counseling in Brampton/Mississauga?
My wife after 28 years of marriage passed away with cancer. My son 26(mba), middle daughter 24(legal assistance), younger 20 Student at toronto uni.They all hate me treat me like dog insult me with all the names you can think of , they do not talk to me other than yes or no, no hugs or holding they run away from me if ask any question.The REASON my wife’s sister and her husband and my wife’s brother have told my kids “you mom had cancer from your dad’s alcohol smell.” Now my hate day and night nobody even want talk to me.I lost my partner,helper,adviser someone that stood by side when i needed. I’m lost and emotionally broken my wife’s family has put me into the dog house.I’m 52 all my kids live at home and i am paying all expenses. What should i do to make my kids understand that i did not kill your mom?.How i’m going to live this DOG life for the rest of the life? Any help
Best answer:
Answer by Loryn E
sit them down and flat out tell them if they dont start treating you with respect then they have to leave and you arent paying for anything else. Tell them you didnt kill their mom. tell them to look it up on the internet. if they can prove that the smell of alcohol caused your wife’s cancer then leave them be but if they cant then tell them that your the dad they have to respect you.
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School counselors were at the junior high immediately. Grief counseling will …
Filed under: grief counseling for kids
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