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My Family Member Wants Me to Go to “counseling” Because I Am Bisexual?

Question by : My family member wants me to go to “counseling” because I am bisexual?
Ok so yesterday I finally told my older sister I was bisexual.. (I’m a boy by the way) So now she wants to take me to counseling, when I know for a fact that I have a crush on a guy, and find this girl really.. PURTY!!! (I was going to say sexy, but that would be quit inappropriate lol!!) So I honestly don’t have a problem, I just think that it’s something your born with and if you go to counseling, it is just gonna mess with your emotions and stuff. Can someone tell me from my prerspective if counseling works? And from her prespective, why she wants to take me in the 1st place.. Please no mean or arogant comments. Ohh and you can have a serious answer with some joking in it to make me smile!

Best answer:

Answer by Mark
That sucks.

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Ari Merretazon – Ari is one of 20 winners of the 2012 BME Leadership Award, created to honor black men who step up to lead the community. Together these men are engaging and reshaping Philadelphia and Detroit. With the award, the BME Challenge is providing 8000 in funding to accelerate their work. Hear their stories at About Ari: Merretazon is a Vietnam veteran who shared his life story in an anthology on black veterans and has since worked to help those returning from war. The movie “Dead Presidents” was loosely based on his life. Project: Merretazon will expand Pointman Soldiers Heart Ministry, a group of Vietnam and Desert Storm veterans, to help returning veterans from the Middle East find counseling, job services and benefits. (000)


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